What is Discovery In A Lawsuit?

What is Discovery In A Lawsuit?

When both sides of a case attempt to gather all information regarding the accident it is called “Discovery.” There are several ways that attorneys gather this information that allow both sides to get a better understanding of what happened and how they should proceed. Written questions sent from one attorney to the other party are […]

What kind of car insurance should I buy?

There are several different forms of coverage you can have on your automobile insurance plan. Some types of coverage are not required in Florida and can save you money by not having them included on your plan. If you own a vehicle that has four wheels or more, you are required to have at least […]

What is the time limit to sue for negligence in Florida?

In the state of Florida, the time limit to sue for negligence is generally 4 years. But for some instances, this limit can be shorter or longer. Cases that involve private businesses or government entities may change the statute of limitations for your claim. With large supermarkets and retail businesses, it is still generally a […]